Cato the Elder

In a new translation from the Latin

  • The second in a new series of ancient wisdom about agriculture, gardens and the home, reinterpreted for the modern gardener, small holder and nature lover

With new translations and introductions by leading women, modern experts in their field, these classic texts are reinterpreted for a rising generation of agriculturalists, gardeners and nature lovers returning to the land in pursuit of honest and sustainable living. Delightfully packaged as collectible literary gift books they are perfect for the reader interested in understanding which aspects of ancient wisdom and practice from around the world might be of material and philosophical use today as we address climate change, the health of our soils and food stability.

Each book in the series is as distinct in tone as its author was in life. They range from theoretical dialogue to a practical manual on all aspects of farming and soil amendments, from exquisite garden design principles to the various uses of botanical remedies. Together they are a rich, essential guide to the world's ancient wisdom of the soil, aesthetics and how we have traditionally survived in harmony with the earth beneath our feet, in our hands and before our eyes.

Cato’s text “De Agri Cultura” is the oldest known work in Latin. In direct prose and terse humour, the revered agronomist shares his wisdom and experience on the subject of farming, rituals, recipes and medicines. He begins: “Remember that a farm is like a man—however great the income, if there is extravagance but little is left”!

Other books in this new series include the seminal text on the home, agriculture, and garden design from each of the following: Ancient Greece, Moorish Spain, Japan, Persia, India, China and the New World.


Marcus Porcius, known as Cato the Elder was a first-century B.C. Roman soldier, senator and historian. City-born, he was nonetheless devoted to agriculture from a young age. Between military campaigns he lived on his farm, where he worked humbly as a labourer and gained the admiration of his neighbours. An active community participant, he was asked to serve as an arbitrator of disputes through which he gained oratorical strength and self confidence. His given name Cato originates from the Latin word catus, meaning ‘wise’.


Publication Details

Subject: Home & Garden

Format: HB
Extent: 112pp
Publication Date: November 2023
Price: £15
Illustrations: black and white line drawings throughout