Leugh leabhar. Atharraich an saoghal.

Read a book. Change the world.


Our Authors and Translators


© Jonathan Landreth

Abduweli Ayup
with an introduction
by Raffi Khatchadourian

Abduweli is a Uyghur poet, linguist, and activist in exile. From a long line of cultural guardians, his memoir, BLACK LAND (Selkies House, October 2023), with an introduction by New Yorker writer Raffi Khatchadourian, is the account of one man’s dedication to preserve the language of his homeland against the weight of the Chinese state.


Praveen Herat

Praveen is the 2022 winner in the U.S. of the Restless Books Award for New Immigrant Writing. Born in London to Sri Lankan parents, he graduated from Cambridge and holds an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia. For three years he lived in Phnom Penh where the idea for his literary thriller crystalised, and he currently lives in Paris. BETWEEN THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT is his first novel.


Galo Ghigliotto
Translated by Thomas Bunstead

Galo is an award-winning Chilean author, poet, and independent publisher. His novel THE MUSEUM OF FOG (Laurel Libros, 2020; Selkies House, October 2024) about genocide and justice won the 2020 Best Novel Prize awarded by the Chilean Ministry of Culture. Galo is the founder of Chile’s major independent book fair, La Furia del Libro, and of independent press, Cuneta, in Santiago.


Thomas Bunstead

Thomas has translated novels by some of the leading Spanish-language writers working today including Agustı́n Fernández Mallo, Bernardo Atxaga and Enrique Vila-Matas. His work has appeared in Granta, the Guardian and VICE. His translation of Maria Gainza’s “Optic Nerve” was shortlisted for the 2020 L.A. Times Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, was a finalist in the 2020 National Translation awards, one of two translations in Publishers’ Weekly’s Top Ten Books of 2019, and a New York Times Notable Book’ of 2019. He has twice been a winner of PEN Translates awards.


© Orianna Camejo

Alejandra Banca
Translated by Katie Brown

Alejandra studied literature at Andrés Bello University in Caracas. Fleeing Venezuela’s collapse, in Spain she has worked in cold-call sales and teaching English. Her poetry has appeared in various anthologies. FROM SAVAGERY (Selkies House, May 2024) is her first collection of stories and follows the intersecting lives of the new underclass of overqualified young Venezuelan refugees hustling to survive on the streets of Barcelona. Selkies House publishes Alejandra’s first novel in 2025 and is committed to working with her independent Venezuelan publisher-in-exile in Madrid, Lecturas de Arraigo, which is dedicated to preserving the country’s literary culture after the publishing industry in Caracas imploded.


Katie Brown

Katie is a senior lecturer in Modern Languages at Exeter University. An expert on contemporary Latin American culture, she has appeared on BBC Radio 4’s “Open Book” and is part of the women’s U.K., U.S., and Venezuelan translation collective, Colaboratorio Ávila. Her translations appear regularly in the quarterly journal, Latin American Literature Today.


Janna Brancolini

Janna is an award-winning journalist based in Milan, Italy. She covers environmental policy for Bloomberg Law and writes about Italy for the Los Angeles Times. Her essays and photography have appeared in the Columbia Journalism Review, Business Insider and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She moderates events for the Foreign Press Association in Italy and serves on the jury of the Globo d’Oro Italian film awards.


Damir Karakaš

Damir is an award-winning Croatian author and former journalist. He studied law and agronomy in Zagreb. The 2021 winner of the prestigious Meša Selimović Award for best novel which is awarded to writers throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, his fiction has been made into films and plays, and has been translated into Czech, French, German, Italian, Macedonia and Slovenian. His work will appear in English for the first time with Selkies House’ publication of his short fiction, CELEBRATION, and his novel, BLUE MOON.


Ellen Elias-Bursać

Ellen’s many award-winning translations from the Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian include works by Daša Drndić and Dubravka Ugrešić. She is a former language preceptor in the Slavic Department at Harvard and has served as the President of the American Literary Translators’ Association. In 2005 she was asked to join the English translation unit at the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague. She is a contributing editor at Asymptote.




with an introduction by Lynn Cassells

Xenophon is considered one of the great writers of antiquity. A Greek philosopher, historian and military leader, he was also a student of Socrates, and his powers of persuasion travelled to influence Cicero in Ancient Rome.

Lynn Cassells holds a degree in archaeology and worked as a forest ranger for the National Trust. She is a former star of BBC 2’s “This Farming Life” and is the author with her partner Sandra Baer of bestselling memoir, “Our Wild Farming Life” about their purchase of Lynbreck Croft in the Cairngorms and learning from the land which regenerative traditions might secure economic sustainability.

Cato the Elder

Marcus Porcius, known as Cato the Elder was a first-century B.C. Roman soldier, senator and historian. City-born he was devoted to agriculture from a young age. Between military campaigns he lived on his farm, where he worked humbly as a labourer and active community participant, often asked to serve as an arbitrator of disputes.


